ELSNER recently received the Excellence in Workforce Manufacturing Award from Mantec. Awards were given to top South Central PA manufacturers that have demonstrated a commitment to improving business through Smart Manufacturing in four categories. ELSNER was proud to stand next to several other top manufacturers who were being honored at the Awards ceremony held at Wyndridge Farm.
Being recognized for the performance of ELSNER's workforce programs is a true testament to the focus ELSNER has on making workforce development a top priority. ELSNER has consistently put in place successful strategies for training, safety and the increase of worker proficiency. ELSNER has also been a major contributor to the development of the Apprenticeship program with the Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce. It is the first program of its type to be approved by the PA Dept. of Labor & Industry.
"We realize that workforce development is a big concern for all manufacturers," stated Bert Elsner, President/CEO of ELSNER. "We are glad to have been able to help build out initiatives such as the Apprenticeship Program that will help the entire manufacturing community. We are only as good as our people, so investing in them is a no-brainer: their performance improves, our performance improves."
Aside from ELSNER, among the MANTEC winners were: The AMES Company for Excellence in Operational Excellence & Quality, Pennsylvania Scale Company for Excellence in Growth & Innovation and SAY Plastics for Excellence in Technology. ELSNER's Gordon Laabs was on-hand at the event to accept the award as the lead on the ELSNER Workforce Development initiative.