Hanover Area Fire & Rescue, Chaired by ELSNER's Bert Elsner II is one of three recipients of the Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce’s Positive Action Award. The award is given to an organization who, among other reasons, positively contributes to meeting the needs of the Hanover Region. This year, the Chamber recognized the first responders in Hanover. In addition to HAFR, the other recipients were Hanover Borough and Penn Township Police Departments.

ELSNER is always glad to share the community service of members of the ELSNER team. As Chair, Bert has had the opportunity lead an organization that is very important in our community.
"I am proud to put time into HAFR alongside dedicated people, especially in a particularly challenging year," Bert said. "As we continue to see recovery in 2021, we know that HAFR will continue to steadfastly be there for everyone in the community. I want to personally congratulate all three worthy recipients of the Positive Action Award."
The link below is the virtual award presentation.
Positive Action Award Virtual Presentation