ELSNER has been manufacturing converting machinery for over 85 years. In that time we've helped dozens of manufacturers automate processes to save time, labor and money. The Automation Innovation Series will highlight various Case Studies of automated solutions developed by ELSNER.
Case Study #1:ENR-1000 Automated Converting Machine with “Glueless” Ultrasonic Tail Tie
The Ultrasonic Tail Tie solution is a coup for the nonwovens industry. Once a roll comes off the machine, if the tail is not secure, it’s a messy problem. The Automated Glueless option makes the manufacturing process less of a chore and boosts productivity. Not only does it save time and labor costs, the convenience keeps skilled workers happy and allow them to focus on something other than managing hot, sticky glue.
For more on how ELSNER utilizes ultrasonic welding for automation, read this article.
Watch the video: